
Articles under review / in preparation

Lo Destro, C., Rullo, M., Telesca, G., & Visintin, E.P. (under review). Helping Ukrainian refugees: the role of intergroup contact, empathy, and superordinate European identity on helping behaviors. Submitted to the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

Teresi, M., Barattucci, M., Telesca, G., Andrighetto, L., Baldassarri, C., & Pagliaro, S. (Under review). The social identity approach on workers’ well-being: between meaning of work and self-objectification. Submitted to the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology.

Scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals

Teresi, M., Telesca, G., Rullo, M., Fasolo, M., Pagliaro, S. (in press). The Effect of the Inclusive Culture on Workers’ Well-being: The Mediating Role of the Organizational Identification on Worker’s Objectification. Submitted to Psicologia Sociale – Social Psychology Theory & Research.

Telesca, G., Rullo, M., & Pagliaro, S. (2024). To be (or not to be) elevated? Group membership, moral models, and prosocial behavior. The Journal of Positive Psychology.

Garofano. C., Cuevas, M., Rossi, R., Sgorla, A.F., & Telesca, G. (2023).
Serious games and university orientation. A game-based learning experience. QTimes – Journal of Education, Technology, and Social Studies. DOI: 10.14668/QTimes_15220

Book Chapters

Rullo M., & Telesca, G. (2023).
Consequences of conspiracy theories on political efficacy and political participation.
In Fabbri L., & Melacarne, C. (Eds.), Understanding Radicalization in Everyday Life (pp. 259-276). Milano: McGraw Hill Education Italy. ISBN: 9788838659423

Research Report

Telesca, G., Puchkov, E., Keshelashvili, S., Gruttad’Auria, G., & Giannidis, K. (2022).
ESNsurvey –  XIV Edition: Understanding the Experience and Needs of International Students in the Pandemic and its Aftermath.
Brussels, Belgium: Erasmus Student Network AISBL; ISBN: 9789463963978 (

Sarolta Fazekas, A., Alonso i Fernández, J., De Vocht, L., Zimonjić, B., Telesca, G., Bittnerova, A. (2020). ESNsurvey 2018: Mapping the Challenges and Enablers of Mobility for Students with Disabilities.
Brussels, Belgium: Erasmus Student Network AISBL; ISBN: 9789464071092

Articles in Blog and Newspapers

Giovanni Telesca
Non plus ultra | Il nuovo Erasmus dovrà rendere l’Europa più inclusiva
Pubblicato su Linkiesta Europea – 20/05/2021

Giovanni Telesca, Ilaria Trevenzoli, Miriana Davide e Matteo Barbato
Project Work Master Area HR: Sviluppo di una strategia di gestione delle risorse umane in un’azienda del settore ICT.
Pubblicato sul Blog di Meliusform Business School – 20/05/2020

Giovanni Telesca, Ilaria Trevenzoli e Miriana Davide
Metodologie didattiche attive nella formazione: Il Team Building in azienda
Pubblicato sul Blog di Meliusform Business School – 30/04/2020

Giovanni Telesca, Ilaria Trevenzoli e Miriana Davide
La selezione del personale: I pregiudizi del selezionatore nel processo selettivo.
Pubblicato sul Blog di Meliusform Business School – 21/02/2020

Master’s degree final thesis

“Organizational Support and Engagement in Non-Profit Organizations: The case of ESN Italy”
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia
Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti Pescara
Relatrice: Prof.ssa Michela Cortini
Correlatrice: Prof.ssa Adele Bianco